Legal Notice

Koa koa is the service of KOA KOA SASU

Koa KOA SASU company:
47 Charles nodier Street
93310 Le PR é Saint Gervais, France
Tel. + 33 (0) 6 09 25 19 02

Whistle number: 79838628000019
VAT code in community: en 29 798386280

Publishing director: Kim Goldstein

website Hosted in

Registered capital: 5000 Euro

The website has been registered with cnil under the registration number 1746991. According to the information technology and Freedom Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and object to: Or mail to: koa KOA SASU, 47 rue Charles nodier 93310 Le PR é e Saint Gervais.
